‘We must be happy that times are different now’: Shaping public memory of Danish colonial history in popular culture.

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In recent years Denmark’s legacy as a colonial power has become a topic of political, cultural, and public debate. The article discusses how Denmark’s colonial relationship with Greenland is presented to a contemporary Danish audience in the film, The Experiment (2010), and in the fourth season of the TV drama, Borgen (2022). These popular cultural artefacts, we claim, not only reflect, but have informed public and political debate in Denmark about its colonial past, including historical and present-day civic norms and their implementation into political practice. In this way, they have contributed to a renegotiation of public morality and memory.
TidsskriftNational Identities
Sider (fra-til)1-20
Antal sider19
StatusUdgivet - 9 jul. 2024


  • Det Humanistiske Fakultet - Official apologies, Greenland, Public memory, Popular Culture, Borgen, The Experiment

ID: 398354176