Experiments on Painting Viking Age Woodwork

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Traditionally, studies on Viking Age pigmentation have focused on the minerals used to produce colours. The experiments conducted in this article concerns other factors that might have influenced painted wood such as surface treatments, outlines, and paint components. With an experimental archaeological approach, it investigates material interactions prevalent during the Viking Age. The study, conducted as part of the Knowledge, Technology and Crafts course in 2023 at the University of Copenhagen, aimed to unravel the choices made by craftsmen during the Viking Age regarding wood treatments prior to painting. By examining painted woodwork artifacts from notable sites like Grimstrup, Hørning, Jelling, Ladby and Trelleborg, this research offers valuable insights to Viking society: more precisely the skilled craftsmen producing art for the elite. Rather than attempting to replicate these ancient artworks, the study focuses on the potential, experiences, and capabilities inherent in Viking-Age color usage, which laid the foundation for the vibrant Middle Ages.
Udgave nummer1
StatusUdgivet - 2024

ID: 384119434