Mikkel Sørensen

Mikkel Sørensen


Min geografiske og kronologiske specialisering omhandler områderne:

  • Ældre Stenalder i Nordeuropa
  • Ældre stenalder i Østarktis (Grønland)


Den tematisk specialisering omhandler:

  • Litiske teknologiske studier,
  • Chaîne opératorie metoden
  • Klima og bæredygtighed i et dybt humanistisk tidsperspektiv
  • Jæger-samler samfund
  • Eksperimentel arkæologi


Nuværende og tidligere eksternt financierede forskningsprojekter


  • 2018 - igangværende. De første mennesker i Grønland: migrationer og befolkningsprocesser i Thuleområdet. Problemstilling: At analysere de første palaæoeskimoiske indvandringer til Grønland i Thuleområdet (c 2500 f.kr.) med henblik på at karakterisere den palæoeskimoiske bosættelsesproces i Thuleområdet.     


  • 2018- Igangværende. "Fading Heritage": Network for wetland preservation of Mesolithic sites in Northern Europe. The project aims to eastablish funding and research to investigate and understand the preservation of our earliest history in in situ contexts                                                                                                                                                               
  • 2008 – 2018. Pioneer settlements and lithic technology in Scandinavia during the Mesolithic period (9600-4000BC). The project is part of the Nordic Blade Technology Network. http://www.nordicbladetechnologynetwork.se/


  • 2009-2012. “The human factor in climate change”. Objective: Climate change and human strategy: Arctic hunter-gatherer in a long term perspective. Post.doc. University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Prehistoric Archaeology.


  • 2007-2009. The GeoArk Project, - Climate, Man and Environment in Northeast Greenland. Objective: to understand the cultural history in Northeastern Greenland in relation to changes in environment and climate during the Holocene. Post.doc at SILA-The Arctic research centre at the National Museum of Denmark. The Geo-Ark Project is an interdisciplinary project between the Humanities, the Natural sciences, researchers from Institute of Geography and Geology, University of Copenhagen and the Zoological Museum, SNM, University of Copenhagen. (August 1, 2007 – May 1,2009, (full time))


  • 2006-2007. The Archaeology of Old Nuulliit: Eigil Knuth’s investigations in the Thule region, North Greenland, from 1952 – 1990.Objective: to investigate, re-interpret and publish the material and information from E.Knuths field research at Nuulliit, Thule. Post.doc at SILA-The Arctic research centre at the National Museum of Denmark. Project financed by the Peary Land Foundation and SILA. (October 1, 2006 – July 30, 2007, (from October – December half time, from December to July full time))


  • 2002-2006. Technology and Tradition in the Eastern Arctic 2500 BC – 1200 AD. Objective: to analyse the lithic technology in the palaeo-Eskimo traditions of the Eastern Arctic, using a dynamical technological methodology and the chaîne opératoire concept. Phd. Project, University of Copenhagen, financed by SILA – the Greenland Research Centre at the National Museum of Denmark. (March 1, 2002 – November 1, 2005 (full time))


Aktuel forskning

  • 2014 - igangværende. Undersøgelser, bevaring og forskningspotentialer for de ældre stenalders pladser i de sjællandske mosebassiner. Problemstilling: at analysere de palæolitiske og mesolitiske pladsers bevaring og forskningspotentialer i Holmgaards Mose og Åmosen, i et studenterdrevet undervisningsbaseret forskningsprojekt. Der samarbejdes med Nationalmuseet, Museum Sydøstdanmark og Museum Vestsjælland. 


  • 2018 - igangværende. De første mennesker i Grønland: migrationer og befolkningsprocesser i Thuleområdet. Problemstilling: At analysere de første palaæoeskimoiske indvandringer til Grønland i Thuleområdet (c 2500 f.kr.) med henblik på at karakterisere den palæoeskimoiske bosættelsesproces i Thuleområdet. 


  • 2018- Igangværende. "Fading Heritage": Network for wetland preservation of Mesolithic sites in Northern Europe. The project aims to eastablish funding and research to investigate and understand the preservation of our earliest history in in situ contexts

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