Culture Course Biblioteket
Systematikken er biblioteket er inspireret af den engelske DDC-Systematik, også kendt som DEWEY. De tematiske hovedgrupper (markeret i fed) følger således den engelske emnedeling og dennes nummerering. Der er dog foretaget visse nødvendige ændringer, så at systematikken lader sig anvende af Culture Course, og dennes relativt lille bogsamling.
Bøger på åbne hylder er ikke til hjemlån, kun til brug på stedet.
Se større kort
Tekstbeskrivelse af kortet
000: Computer science, information, news and media
070: Danish media and television
100: Danish Philosophy
110: Kierkegaard, works
111: Kierkegaard, secondary literature
200: Religion
201: Religious mythology [Norse]
300: The Danish Society
308: National Identity
310: Social and anthropological studies
321: Systems of governments and states [The Welfare State]
330: Economics
331: Labour economics
340: Law
360: Health
370: Education
400: The Danish Language
410: Danish linguistics
412: Etymology
413: Dictionaries
414: Phonology
415: Structural systems (grammar)
416: Danish reading courses (teach yourself books)
500: Science
550: Earth Sciences
600: Technology
700: Art
709: Historical, geographic
710: Danish and Scandinavian cinema
720: Architecture
730: Sculpture
729: Design
750: Pictorial art
780: Music
800: Literature & rhetoric
801: Philosophy and theory
809: Literary history, criticism and general works
810: World literature
811: Gender studies
830: Danish literature
832: Danish drama
839: Norse Sagas
900: History
910: Geography and travel guides
940: Danish history
941: History of Europe
942: The Vikings