The fallacy of the cognitive free fall in communication metaphor - a semiotic analysis

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This article is a theoretical analysis of the cognitive free fall metaphor, used within the cognitive view, as model for explaining the communication process between a generator and receiver of a message. The aim is to demonstrate that the idea of a cognitive free fall taking place within this communication process leads to apparent theoretical paradoxes, that partly is fostered by unclear definitions of key information science concepts, namely tokens, signs, information and knowledge, and there interrelatedness, and a naïve theoretical framework. The article promote a semeiotically inspired model of communication, that demonstrate that what takes place in communication, is not a cognitive free fall, but rather a fall from a pragmatic level of knowing or knowledge to a level of representation or information. The article furthermore argue that the communication process more ideally can be expressed as a complex interrelation of emotion, information and cognition.
TidsskriftLibrary Trends
Udgave nummer3
Sider (fra-til)512-527
Antal sider16
StatusUdgivet - 2015

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ID: 118096306