Lone Wriedt Sørensen

Lone Wriedt Sørensen

Associate professor emeritus, Associate Professor Emerita


1977: Magisterkonferens in Classical Archaeology, Institute of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology, University of Copenhagen.

Positions and research grants

1977-1978: Undervisningsassistent, Institute of Classical Studies, Odense University.

1978: Instructor, Brock University Practicum, excavations at Alambra, Cyprus, directed by Prof. J. Coleman, Cornell University, USA.

1979: Research grant, The Humanistic Research Council, publication of the vase collection at Odense University.

1979-83: Assistant Director, The Canadian Palaipaphos Survey Project, Cyprus.

1981: Research grant, The Carlsberg Foundation, publication of the survey results.

1980-1987: Assistant professor, Institute of Classical Archaeology, University of Copenhagen.

1984-1985: Research fellow, The Antiquity Collection, The National Museum, prerparation of the Lindos exhibition and publication of the last volume of the results of the Carlsberg Foundation Expedition to Rhodes.

1985: Research fellow, The Carlsberg Ekspedition to Phoenicia. Publication of Cypriot ceramics from Tell Sukas.

1985-86: Research grant, The Carlsberg Foundation, analysis of Cypriot Iron Age pottery.

1987: Survey director, Project Africa Proconsularis.

1987-1988: Associate professor, Institute of Prehistoric and Classical Archaeology, University of Copenhagen.

1989: Research grant, The Enbom Foundation, publication of Lindos IV: 2. Excavations and Surveys in Southern Rhodes: The Post-Mycenaean Archaeology and Ethnology, now SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen.

1990-2005: Study director of Classical Archaeology, Institute of  Archaeology and Ethnology, University of Copenhagen.

1994-99: Research grant, The Humanistic Research Council, excavations at Panayia Ematousa, Cyprus.

1998: Research grant, The Carlsberg Foundation, studies of political, cultural, ethnic and social relations in Cyprus.


Knowledge of languages

Danish, English, German, French

ID: 10552