Anna Lyngdal Wulff

Anna Lyngdal Wulff

Research Assistant


Master of Arts and Bachelor of Arts in European Ethnology 
University of Copenhagen
Master thesis: "The good refugee". An ethnological investigation of employed refugees as workforce in the Danish labor market.

Populäre Kulturen
University of Zurich

Exchange, 30 ECTS  



Research Assistant at Copenhagen Centre for Health Research in the Humanities (CoRe) 
July 2022 - now
I research the organization of good senior working lives and develop research-based tools to support this. My involvement spans the entire research process, including informant recruitment, fieldwork, cultural analysis, participation in conferences, and writing academic articles.

Consultant at Væksthuset
November 2020 - June 2022
I supported citizens facing social and/or health barriers to employment in finding sustainable solutions for their work life. This involved establishing contacts with relevant enterprises, and social and health actors. The job demanded a high level of project management skills, written communication, a deep understanding of human dynamics, as well as methodological and theoretical tools derived from (un)employment research to identify effective strategies. Additionally, I was responsible for the workshop 'workplace culture' providing insights into tacit knowledge and explicit expectations within the labor market, and I mentored new employees.

Instructor at the Municipality of Frederiksberg
December 2019 - October 2020
I co-managed an employment-oriented enterprise within the municipality in order to support competence development among citizens with social and/or health barriers to employment. Besides improving my management and communication skills, I evolved and implemented motivational interview tools within my department in order to support colleagues formulate and reach goals together with the individual citizen. These tools were created on behalf of experiences with the citizens, and formulated in accordance with required competences in the labor market.

Coordinator at Diversity Works
June 2016 - November 2018
While working with women from ethnic minority backgrounds, I held a diverse range of responsibilities, including project coordination as well as more practical tasks. I coordinated an up-skilling urban gardening project, taught Danish language skills, and facilitated volunteer-based homework support and job search supervision. Additionally, I coordinated job training initiatives, organized excursions, hosted the urban gardening festival in Nørrebro, worked in the kitchen at the center's restaurant, and managed social media communications and photography.

Academic Intern at Diversity Works
February 2016 - June 2016
As part of my role, I developed ethnographic films and photos utilizing ethnological interview techniques. These materials were created to showcase the work of the women's center and generate content for fundraising purposes. Additionally, I worked as a receptionist and provided support to the women in navigating bureaucratic processes, enabling them to better manage their everyday lives.
Transcriptionist at Employment Relations Research Centre (FAOS) 
October 2016 - January 2017
I had the responsibility of transcribing semi-structured focus group interviews on unions and collective agreements for atypical employment. The purpose was to gather valuable data to be forwarded to the Employment Relations Research Centre.


Steering Committee Member at Ethnological Forum
January 2023 - now
I organize an annual conference for Ethnologists and other cultural researchers interested in the field of Ethnology. This entails recruiting presenters, SoMe communications, budgetting, moderating sessions, etc.

Job and Education Mate at DFUNK
June 2020 - September 2021
I coordinated a job and education-oriented partnership with my mate, a young adult who had a refugee background.

Job Search and Homework Supervisor at Diversity Works 
February 2015 - January 2016
I supported women with ethnic minority backgrounds in finding relevant jobs, assisting them with writing job applications, and providing homework support during their studies. The objective was to empower these women by not taking assignments out of their hands but giving them experiences of fulfillment.


Relevant courses

  • Professional Writing that Catches Attention. University of Copenhagen, November 2022
  • Multi-theoretical Practice in Social Work, e.g. Communication Styles, Systems Theory and Solution-oriented Approach. Væksthuset, november 2020 - june 2022

Knowledge of languages

  • Danish - mother tongue 
  • English - full professional proficiency 
  • German - professional proficiency 
  • Spanish - limited proficiency 

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