Dreidimensionale Modellierung einer villa maritima – Die römische Meeresvilla von Capo di Sorrento

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Only a few Roman sea villas along the coast of Campania are still well preserved today. In many cases they have been built over in modern times or have fallen victim to the
the destructive force of wind and waves. One exception is the Roman villa at the cape of Sorrento, also known to locals and tourists as Bagno della Regina Giovanna.
Bidragets oversatte titelThree-dimensional modelling of a villa maritima - The Roman marine villa of Capo di Sorrento
TidsskriftAntike Welt
Vol/bindSonderband 50 Jahre Antike Welt
Sider (fra-til)54-57
Antal sider4
StatusUdgivet - 2019

ID: 323707950